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Leases of Abandoned Farmsteads 1516-1521 - translation


Jonikendorf [10 December 1516]

Merten Caseler took possession of 3 parcels, [vacant] because Joachim was hanged on account of theft. They were not sown last year. I canceled the payment for this year, and he will pay next year and thereafter. ... He got 1 cow, 1 heifer, an ax and a sickle and, as for grains, a sack of oats and barley for the sowing omitted by his predecessor. Done on weekday 4, 10 December 1516. In addition, I promised him 2 horses. The overseer was his guarantor for 4 years.

Voytsdorf [11 December 1516]

Hans Bodner took possession of 2 1/2 parcels, which Andreas Daumschen sold to him. Done on 11 December.

Voytsdorf [undated; perhaps 11 December 1516]

Gregor Knobel adds to his 2 parcels 1 more parcel that belonged to Peter Glande, who died in a fire. Gregor is the guardian of his brother Peter's sons, who are minors, and promises to satisfy them when they are grown up.


Spigelberg [undated; after 7 January 1517, and probably on or just before 29 January 1517]

Valentin, [from] Passenhaim, takes possession of 1 parcel, previously held by Augustin, who is very old and incapacitated. The overseer is Valentin's guarantor.

Greseling [29 January 1517]

Jan took possession of 3 parcels, from which Asman ran away. Jan will have one cow and a fourth part of the sown [grain]. He will have exemption from the next annual rental, and he will pay for the first time in the year 1519. Brusien, Andres, and Hensel of the same place were his guarantors for three years. Done on the antepenultimate [day] of January, in the presence of the chaplain and my attendant, Jerome.

Godkendorf [30 January 1517]

Jan of Vindica took possession of three parcels, from which Niclis Cleban withdrew, his right hand being lame or crippled. Done on the penultimate [day] of January 1517, in the presence of Andres the overseer and Jerome.

Berting Teutonica [26 February 1517]

Lorencz of Marquardshoffen took possession of four parcels, sold by the heirs of Aldejorge, deceased. For these parcels Lorencz will perform all the customary farm servitudes. Done on 26 February.

Plauczk [4 March 1517]

Andrhe, the overseer, having sold the overseership to Bartosch, took possession of 2 parcels, from which Matz ran away. I gave back to Andrhe one horse, one cow, 3 she-goats, one sow, and he will be exempt for 2 years, and will pay rent for the first time in the year 1520. Done on 4 March, in the presence of Nicolaus the chaplain and Albert, my servant.

Scaiboth [5 February 1517]

Nickel Pippelk took possession of two parcels, which Jan Roman sold to him. Done on 5 February, in the presence of the local overseer and Martzyn Baytz. Nickel's brother, Bartolomeus in Petrica, was his guarantor for 2 years.

In the same place [5 February 1517]

Gregorhs Czepan took possession of 1 1/2 parcels, from which Jacob Wayner ran away. Gregorhs will pay the next rental. Done on 5 February. He received 2 cows. Zcepan Wayner was his guarantor in perpetuity.

Miken [5 February 1517]

Borchart Crix took possession of 2 parcels, which Mertin sold to him. Done on 5 February. Mertin was his guarantor for five years. Done on 5 February, in the presence of Albert, my servant. and Jorge Nimsgar. Frederich in Vadang was guarantor for the same [period of time].

Naglanden [23 March 1517]

Martzyn Voyteg took possession of 4 parcels, which were ceded to him by Jorch Voteg, without exemption. Martzyn's brother, Jan, was his guarantor for 4 years. Done on the second weekday after Laetare.

Leynau [23 March 1517]

Bartolt Faber of Schonewalt took possession of 1 1/2 parcels, sold by Peter Preus, who is very old. As regards these parcels, Bartolt will give the overlord 1/2 mark as rent for the half-parcel. But as regards the other parcel, the Chapter graciously donated 1 mark to the aforesaid Peter for life. After his death the entire rent will revert to the overlord. Done on the second weekday after Laetare, 1517, in the presence of Albert, my servant, and Jerome, etc.

Plutzk [23 March 1517]

Brosien Trokelle took possession of 3 parcels, made vacant by the death of Peter. In addition to these parcels, Brosien got 2 horses, 1 cow, 3 she-goats, 2 piglets. l sack of rye, and 3 sacks of oats. He will pay rent for the first time next year. His brother, Augustyn, was his guarantor for 4 years. Done on the second weekday after Laetare.

[This transaction] did not take effect on account of the man's excessive dishonesty, and the aforementioned [properties] were given back.

Voytsdorf [26 March 1517]

Jorge Woyteck took possession of 2 1/2 parcels, from which death removed the late Peter Glande, who was burned. Jorge will pay the next rental. Done on 26 March.

In the same place [29 March 1517]

Martzin, who has two parcels, took possession of one in addition, his third, which was sold to him by Alde Urben, who is aged in fact and in name. Done on the antepenultimate [day] of March. To this Urban and his wife, who are very old and have no sons, I granted exemption.

Lesser Cleberg


[After starting this entry, Copernicus struck it out.]

Brunswaldt [19 April 1517]

Hans Woppe, who has 1 1/2 parcels in this place, in addition took possession of one parcel, released by Greger Gadel, who kept 3 parcels elsewhere as enough for himself. Done on the eighth [day after] Easter.

Hogenwalt [23 April 1517]

Stenzel the herdsman took possession of 3 parcels, from which Hans Calau ran away. Stenzel got one ox, 1 cow, 1 piglet, 2 sacks of rye seed, nothing else. And I promised to add 1 horse. Hans and Lorencz Hinzke were his guarantors for four years that he would not run away. In addition, he will be exempt from the annual payment, and he will pay for the year 1519. Done on the day [23 April] of St. Adalbert, father of [our] country and apostle [of Prussia]. I made available to Stenzel 4 sacks of oats, which he will return on the feast of [St.] Michael [29 September].

Stenzel also took the horse I promised.

New Schoneberg [8 May 1517]

Greger Noske took possession of 1 1/2 parcels, from which Matz Leze ran away because he was suspected of thievery. I gave Greger 2 horses, 1 heifer, 2 pigs, 1 sack of flaxseed, 3 sacks of barley. He will pay the next rental. His father, Maz Noske, was his guarantor in perpetuity. Done on 8 May in the presence of the chaplain and J[erome], my errand boy.

Schonebrugk [14 May 1517]

Martzyn took possession of 2 parcels, which Cosman left when he ran away. I allotted to Martzyn 3 horses, 2 cows, 1 heifer, 3 pigs, and a wagon, without exemption. Andreas of Dareten and Jorge the overseer in the same place were his guarantors that he would not run away for two years. Done on 14 May.

I lent him 3 sacks of oats until [St.] Michael's [day, 29 September].

Stolpe [17 May 1517]

Stenzel took possession of 3 3/4 parcels, from which death removed Pavel. I gave Stenzel 6 sacks of rye, nothing besides. He will be exempt for three years, and will make his first payment in the year 1521. Stenzel the overseer and Andres of Micken were his guarantors in perpetuity. Done on Rogation Sunday, in the presence of the chaplain and Albert, my servant.

Vindica [22 May 1517]

Jan took possession of 4 parcels, from which death removed Czepan Copetz, his maternal uncle, without exemption. He got 4 horses, 1 colt, 4 cows, 6 pigs, 1 leg of pork, 1 sack of rye, 1 sack of flour, 1/2 sack of peas, 4 sacks of barley, sacks of oats, 1 large kettle, 1 wagon, iron plowshares, 1 ax, 1 scythe. His son-in-law Stentzel was his guarantor in perpetuity. Done on the sixth weekday of the Lord's Ascension, in the presence of Albert the forester, and the overseer of that place.

Lycosen [25 May 1517]

Jacob of Jomendorf took possession of 2 parcels, which were sold to him with my permission by Marcus Kycol, who is very old. Done on the second day of the week following Ascension.

New Cleberg [4 June 1517]

Petrus, a herdsman in Thomasdorf, took possession of 2 parcels, which are vacant because Hans ran away. Petrus got 2 cows, 5 pigs, one horse. But this summer he will be satisfied [to have] only the meadows, while the sown fields remain with tenants, and he will pay his first annual rental in the year 1519. The overseer in that place, Salomon, and Matz were his guarantors for 6 years. Done on the fifth weekday after Pentecost.

In the same place [29 June 1517]

Salmon, who has 1 1/2 parcels, took possession of an additional parcel. With my permission it was ceded to him by Jacob Cusche as unnecessary and burdensome to himself, since he kept two parcels. Done on the day of Peter and Paul.

Voytsdorf [12 July 1517]

Jacob of Lesser Scaibot bought unoccupied parcels in that place last year with the permission of the venerable provost. Here [in Voytsdorf] Jacob has 2 parcels and sold them with my permission to Lorenz, the overseer's brother. Done on 12 July.

Scaibot [2 August 1517]

Jacob Wayner, who with his wife ran away last year, has now been brought back by the overseer. Jacob took possession of one parcel, from which death removed Caspar Casche. The building is in ruins, and the parcel is of little value, and for that reason was abandoned by Caspar's heirs and guardians. When Jacob took possession, I gave him one horse, a quarter of the previously planted millet, and exemption from the next annual payment. His brother Michel Wayner was his guarantor in perpetuity. Done on 2 August.


Berting Teutonica [14 March 1518]

Voytek, who has 2 parcels in the same place, took possession of two additional parcels, which have been abandoned for a long time on account of the flight long ago of Stenzel Rase. Voytek will pay the next annual rental. And later I gave him 2 sacks of rye, nothing more. However, with regard to the 2 aforesaid [additional] parcels, I granted him exemption from the peasant servitudes for four years so that he will begin to serve from the feast of St. Martin [11 November] in the year 1522. Dane on Laetare Sunday, in the presence of the chaplain and the overseer.

Old Cukendorf [22-25 March 1518]

Lurenz, having bought the tavern in Branswalt, with my consent sold 4 parcels, of which Merten took possession and for which he will perform the customary [servitudes]. His brother Peter was his guarantor for 3 years. Done on a weekday after Judica [Sunday].

Jonikendorf [26 March 1518]

Urban Hillebrant, having leased his 2 parcels in Montikendorf, took possession here [in Jonikendorf] of 3 parcels, from which Borkart Crix ran away. Urban got 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 calf, 1 sow with 2 piglets, and a fourth part of the sown [fields] in the same place. He will be exempt for three years, and in the 4th year, 1522, he will pay for the first time, a payment and one-half. The overseer was his guarantor in perpetuity that he would not run away. Done on 26 March.

Montiken [26 March 1518]

Matz Santke took possession of the 2 aforesaid parcels, which the aforementioned Urban ceded to him without exemption. Tewes in Jonikendorf was his guarantor, and Steffan Gerber in Monsterberg also promised in perpetuity that Matz would not run away. Done on the same day, 26 March.

Vindica [27 March 1518]

Jan, having withdrawn from 3 parcels and leased them in Godekendorf, without exemption took possession here [in Vindica] of 3 parcels, abandoned because Paul ran away. I gave back to Jan 3 horses, 1 cow, 2 piglets, and the sown winter [fields]. The overseer was his guarantor for 6 years. Done on the Sabbath before Palm [Sunday].

Godekendorf [27 March 1518]

Merten took possession of the 3 parcels mentioned just above. Having leased his parcels in Abestich, he will make the next payment and those following it. Done, as above.

Abestich [27 March 1518]

Stenczel, the overseer in Naglanden, took possession, under the usual conditions, of the 3 parcels released by Merten, mentioned above. Stenczel promises that the overseership will be filled within a year. Done, as above.

Glandemansdorf [3 May 1518]

Matz Wanczke ran away from 1 1/2 parcels, leaving behind 3 goats, nothing else. Hans Cucuc and Jorge Poppe took possession of these parcels, dividing them in half. In this way each will have, together with his previous holdings, 2 1/4 parcels, for which they will perform all the customary [servitudes]. Done on 3 May.

Thomesdorf [4 May 1518]

Hans Clauke has 2 parcels, for which he was bound by hereditary payments to the church in Berting. As a man incapacitated for a long time, he sold those parcels to Simon Stoke with my permission. Done on 4 May.


Greseling [12 July 1518]

Stanislaus took possession of 3 parcels, from which Cranzel ran away five years ago. I gave Stanislaus 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 bullock, and a quarter of the fields sown this year, together with an exemption from the next payment and from the servitudes of this year and the following year, if he will have built well. He will therefore make his first annual payment in the year 1520 A.D. The overseer and Simon in that place were his guarantors. Done on the 2nd weekday before [St.] Margaret's.

Naglanden [18 October 1518]

Bernt took possession of 4 parcels, which were ceded to him with my permission by Peter the overseer, after he bought the overseership in that place. The same overseer was his guarantor in perpetuity. Done on 18 October 1518.

[Since there were no transactions to be recorded during the 3 1/2 weeks between 18 October 1518 and the beginning of the next fiscal year on 11 November 1518, Copernicus left the rest of this page 9 blank, and at the top of page 10 he wrote:]


Brunswalt [22 November 1518] Jacob the herdsman took possession of one parcel, which was ceded to him by Cristof, the overseer in that place, who was his guarantor for five years, with a promise to help him build, etc. Done on St. Cecilia's [22 November], in the presence of inhabitants in that place.

Pisdecaim [3 January 1519]

Peter of Caldeborn took possession of 2 parcels, which were ceded to him by the taverner, without exemption. The same taverner, Stenczel, was his guarantor for 5 years. Done on 3 January.

Natternen [10 January 1519]

Voitec took possession of 3 parcels, which Jan sold to him. Martin, the overseer, and Martzyn Wayner, and Jan, the seller, were Voitec's guarantors. Done on the day of Paul, the first hermit.

Mica [28 February 1519]

Brosche, who has 2 1/2 parcels here, took possession of one more, which was ceded to him with my permission by Simon, the overseer of that place. Done on the last [day] of February.

Old Scaibot [28 February 1519]

Matz Slander took possession of 2 parcels, from which Marczyn Baicz ran away. Matz will make the next payment. Done on the last [day] of February. He received nothing on the parcels.

Old Cleeberg [28 February 1519]

Stenzel Zupky took possession of 2 parcels, which Matz Slander with my permission sold to him for 33 marks. Done on the last [day] of February.


Ditterichswalt [6 April 1519]

Urban Gunter took possession of 4 parcels, from which Jacob Rape ran away. He got 4 horses, 4 pigs, 2 cows, 10 sacks of oats, 2 sacks of barley, 1 1/2 sacks of flaxseed, one kettle, wagon, and plough. Pavel Gunter was his guarantor in perpetuity. Done on 6 April.

Greseling [6 April 1519]

Pawel took possession of 3 parcels, made vacant by the death of Broschius Broch, without exemption. He got 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 pig, 5 sacks of rye seed, 2 sacks of buckwheat, a wagon, pitchfork, sickle, and 1 water barrel. Pavel, the overseer, and Simon, a peasant, were his guarantors. Done on 6 April.

Dewyten [10 April 1519]

Since 13 parcels in this place were abandoned long ago and are now covered with woods, Augustinus, the priest, took 4 of them under his supervision to provide within 8 years a cultivator on them who will satisfy the overlord with regard to the annual payment and servitudes. Done on Judica Sunday.

In the same place [11 April 1519]

Hans, the overseer, took possession of 2 of the above-mentioned parcels, for which he will have an exemption for five years so that he will begin to perform all the customary [obligations] in the year 1525. Done on the 2nd weekday before Palm [Sunday].

Montikendorff [14 April 1519]

Bartolmis took possession of 3 parcels, which with my consent were ceded to him by Jorge Wolf, who is an incapacitated little old man. The taverner in Brunswalt was the guarantor in perpetuity that Bartolmis would not run away. Done on the fifth weekday before Palm [Sunday].

Schonebrugk [14 April 1519]

Benedict took possession of 2 parcels, which were abandoned by Martzyn, who ran away. Matz in Degten and Hans in Schonebrugk were his guarantors for 6 years. Done on the fifth weekday [Thursday, 14 April] before Palm [Sunday].

Coseler [31 May 1519]

Alex took possession of 2 parcels, released by the overseer in Vadang, without exemption. The same overseer, Jacob Walgast, as well as Michel Han and Matz, peasants in the same place, were guarantors for 6 years that Alex would not run sway. Done on the last [day] of May.

New Cleeberg [undated]

Michel took possession of 2 parcels, which were sold to him by Andres Gnik with my permission.

Hogenwalt [14 August 1519]

Stenczel the herdsman with my consent relinquished 3 parcels, of which Greger took possession without exemption. Niclas made a promise for Greger for 6 years. Done on 14 August.

Vindica [undated]

Brosien took possession of 4 parcels, abandoned because Simon ran away. Brosien got 4 horses, 1 cow, 2 piglets, and 5 sacks of rye for planting. He will make his first payment in the year 1521. Augustin in Plauczk was his guarantor for 7 years.



Vusen [7 January 1517]

Pavel Ebert took possession of 3 parcels, which Andres Hoveman sold to him. Done on 7 January.

Comain [10 February 1517]

Hans Molner took possession of 2 parcels, which Jorge Hausberg sold to him. Done on 10 February.

Steemboth [11 February 1517]

Melcher Tolkesdorf took possession of 2 parcels, which Urban Tile sold to him. Done on 11 February.

Schonebrucke [2 March 1517]

Hans Smith took possession, without exemption, of 3 parcels, from which Cosman withdrew. Done on 2 March, in the presence of Albert and Jerome.

Libentail [undated]

George Strewbyr took possession of one parcel that had been abandoned for a long time, with an exemption for 6 years. He will therefore make his first payment in the year 1524. I gave him 3 sacks of rye.

Millemberg [21 October 1517]

Theus Messing took possession of 3 parcels which had been abandoned for a long time by Stenzel Hoveman. Done on the day of the 11,000 Virgins, in the presence of the overseer and burgrave in Melsac.


Sonnenwalt [22 October 1518]

Michel Hun took possession of 3 parcels, from which death removed Ryman two years ago. Michel got 3 horses, 2 cows, 3 oxen, and certain other farm equipment. He will be exempt from 3 annual payments, and will make his first [payment] in the year 1521. Done on 22 October.

Laisse [24 October 1518]

Peter Brun took possession of one parcel. In the same place he holds 3 adjoining parcels, to which the parcel he bas taken possession of once belonged. From that parcel the aforementioned Michel Hun withdrew with my permission. Done on 24 October in the year 1518.

Libenau [25 October 1518]

As Jacob Treter is moving to Zager with my permission, Andris Radau took responsibility for the 3 released parcels with all their obligations, promising that together with his sons he would lease them within 2 years. Done on 25 October.

A.D. 1519

Lutterfelt [14 November 1518]

Merten Scholze took possession of 4 parcels, which Andres Eglof, being incapacitated, ceded to him. He will perform all the customary [obligations]. Done on the day after [St.] Brixius' [day].

Stegemansdorf [undated]


Voppen [11 March 1519]

Frantzke Gilmeister, the miller in that place, took possession of 3 1/2 parcels, from which Merten Haneman ran away a year ago. In addition to these parcels, Frantzke got 2 horses, 1 cow, 2 oxen, 2 pigs. He will be exempt for 4 years from the annual rent and servitudes, except for his hunting [duties], and he will make his first payment in the year 1523. Done on 11 March.

In the same place [12 March 1519]

Bendict Eler in Seefelt, who has 4 parcels in that place, took possession of 3 1/2 parcels here [in Voppen], on the understanding that in the course of time he would provide a cultivator for them. I granted him exemption from payment and servitudes up to the beginning of the year 1521. Done on 12 March.

Kynappel Mill

When in recent days certain persons from Neuhof gave back one mill parcel, previously leased to the village of Ne[u]hof by Tiedemann, and the village of Clefelt wanted to take possession of that parcel, the people from Neuhof denying that they had authorized...

[Copernicus started to write the entry in this way, and then with four diagonal strokes he deleted the passage, and instead wrote the following entry.]

Kynappel Mill [12 March 1519]

The community of the village of Neuhof had formerly taken possession of one parcel, associated with this abandoned mill, for an annual payment of 1/2 mark. Abandoning the parcel in recent days, they turned it back to the overlord because it was burdensome to them at such a rental, and mainly because they did not want to maintain the bridge located there. Then the community in Cleefelt asked that the parcel should be assigned to them. On the other hand, the Neuhof community, motivated by regret, in numerous petitions asked to have the parcel back. Therefore I, Nicholas Coppernic as administrator, having obtained the advice as well as the consent of the Venerable Chapter about this matter, for certain cogent reasons have restored the parcel to the aforesaid Neuhof community, and have assigned it to them again, on the understanding that hereafter they are to pay 15 skoters for it every [fiscal] year ending on [St.] Martin's [day]. They are also obligated to maintain the bridge as long as the mill is abandoned. On the other hand, if at any time it happens to be reactivated, the parcel will have to be ceded to the mill. Done on the Sabbath day before Invocavit.


Licosa [6 May 1521]

Stanislaus Czichotzinsky took possession of 3 parcels, made vacant by the death of Michel the one-eyed, without exemption. Stanislaus got nothing on the parcels except the building. Done on 6 May.

Jomendorf [6 May 1521]

Jacob, moving back from Licosa with permission, took possession of 2 parcels, made vacant by the beheading of Peter in Hoensteyn for plotting treason, and obtained nothing on the parcels except the sown rye. Done on 6 May, without exemption.

Lycosa [6 May 1521]

Mattheus took possession of 2 parcels, released by the aforesaid Jacob. Mattheus got nothing on the parcels except the building and the sown rye, without exemption. Done on 6 May. He did not go to the parcels.

In the same place [Lycosa] and in Radecaim [6 May 1521]

Peter, having given up 2 parcels in Radecaim with permission, bought 4 parcels here [in Lycosa] from the heirs of Nickel Rabe, who died at an early age. Peter pledged that this summer he would provide a cultivator in Radecaim. In addition, the seller's heirs, Cristof, overseer in Braunswalt, and Peter Ludike, overseer in Licosa, were his guarantors. Done on 6 May.

Lesser Cleberg [20 May 1521]

Petrus the overseer, complaining about the small number of his parcels in the overseer's portion, asked to have added to his holdings the 1 1/2 parcels listed as abandoned by Thomas Polen, who ran away. Petrus will manage them like the other cultivators. He got them conditionally, as long as Thomas does not return. About five sacks of rye were found there, nothing else, not even the buildings, because they were destroyed by fire. He promised to build. Done on the second weekday of Pentecost.

In the same place [Lesser Cleberg; 23 May 1521]

Merten, father of five sons and holder of 1 1/2 parcels, complained about the small extent of his land. Therefore, with permission, he bought 1 1/2 additional parcels from Niclis Ruche. Niclis took possession of 2 other parcels, that were ceded to him by Merten Micher, who is very old and incapacitated, having lost his sons and wife. Done on the 5th weekday of Pentecost.

Jomendorf [31 May 1521]

Steffen, having sold with permission 1 1/2 parcels in Glandemansdorf, bought 2 parcels here [in Jomendorf] from Jeschki's heirs. Done on the last [day] of May.

Translated by Edward Rosen
print form
Mikołaj Kopernik
strona główna
strona główna