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Copernicus to Bishop Dantiscus - tłumaczenie angielskie

Frombork, 3 March 1539

To my lord, Most Reverend Father in Christ, Johannes [Dantiscus], by the grace of God bishop of Varmia, my most gracious lord

My lord, Most Reverend Father in Christ, most gracious lord:

Canon Felix [Reich] of blessed memory, the [Chapter] Custodian, having passed away, was buried yesterday [2 March 1539]. By right of proxy I have claimed the vacant canonry and prebend for Raphael Konopacki. I have acted to have the case advanced, and the office granted to him according to the terms of the papal letter, on the strength of his nomination by the Most Serene Queen of Poland etc. It remains for your Most Reverend Lordship to deign to express your approval of the foregoing, and to indicate that approval to your Chapter, so that possession of the vacant prebend may be given to him or to me as proxy. In this matter your Most Reverend Lordship on the basis of the papal letter will render to the governor of Pomerania, his son, and me an extraordinary service which we shall strive to deserve at the hands of your Most Reverend Lordship.

Frombork, 3 March 1539

Your Most Reverend Lordship's

Nicholas Copernicus

Translation by Edward Rosen