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Copernicus to Bishop Dantiscus - tłumaczenie angielskie

Frombork, 28 September 1541

My lord, Most Reverend Father in Christ, Johannes [Dantiscus], by the grace of God bishop of Varmia, my most gracious lord

My lord, Most Reverend Father in Christ, most gracious lord:

Your Most Reverend Lordship recently asked me to return to your Most Reverend Lordship the epitaph for my uncle, the late Bishop Lucas, a predecessor of your Most Reverend Lordship. You had once sent me this epitaph, which was composed by yourself. Since I do not have [the original written] by your own hand, Most Reverend Lordship, I am therefore sending [you] a copy. I regret that it did not fulfill the purpose for which it was intended, since a different [epitaph] having little flavor and less taste had already been carved on the tombstone. But what was commissioned was of this nature, and was composed for him in accordance with his wishes while he was still alive.

I hope and pray that your Most Reverend Lordship, to whom I pledge my services, may long [enjoy] good health for the benefit of your church and the solace of your [people].

Gynopolis [Frombork], 28 September, first year of the 579th Olympiad [1541]

Your Most Reverend Lordship
most devoted

Nicolas Copernicus

Translation by Edward Rosen