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Copernicus to Bishop Dantiscus - tłumaczenie angielskie

Frombork, 2 December 1538

To his lordship, Most Reverend Father in Christ, Johannes [Dantiscus], by the grace of God bishop of Varmia, his most gracious lordship

My lord, Most Reverend Father in Christ, most gracious lord, to be heeded by me in everything:

I acknowledge your Most Reverend Lordship's quite fatherly, and more than fatherly admonition, which I have felt even in my innermost being. I have not in the least forgotten the earlier one, which your Most Reverend Lordship delivered in person and in general. Although I wanted to do what you advised, nevertheless it was not easy to find a proper female relative forthwith, and therefore I intended to terminate this matter by the time of the Easter holidays. Now, however, lest your Most Reverend Lordship suppose that I am looking for an excuse to procrastinate, I have shortened the period to a month, that is, to the Christmas holidays, since it could not be shorter, as your Most Reverend Lordship may realize. For as far as I can, I want to avoid offending all good people, and still less your Most Reverend Lordship. To you, who have deserved my reverence, respect, and affection in the highest degree, I devote myself with all my faculties.

Gynopolis [Frombork], 2 December 1538

Your Most Reverend Lordship's
most obedient

Nicholas Copernicus

Translation by Edward Rosen