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Library - Commentary

The NICOLAUS COPERNICUS THORUNENSIS Library section contains a variety of digital content associated with the figure of Nicholas Copernicus, including books, magazines, articles, brochures and commemorative prints which are archived in Polish digital libraries. The largest number of items (over 200) have been selected, scanned and compiled by the University Library in Toruń. They can also be accessed at:, which is the address of the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library.

The collection of resources is varied and includes additional materials not directly related to the great astronomer. Some describe the era in which he lived and people he had a great influence on, while others present important celebrations, anniversaries and other events, works of art dedicated to the great astronomer as well as journals, learned societies that bear his name in the title, such as: Mitteilungen des Vereins für Coppernicus-Wissenschaft und Kunst zu Thorn, etc. The collection also includes registers, catalogues and bibliographies created with the aim of documenting his writings. They perfectly complement the collection of articles that were written specially for the portal. To see prints, postcards, portraits, medals and other items associated with Copernicus, visit the website Gallery section. The site collection can be searched according to sections used in the "Copernican Bibliography" by Henryk Baranowski. More advanced search tools are available in the KPBC/KPDL portal.

Bożena Bednarek-Michalska